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Join Berkshire's 

2020 Kindness Challenge

Berkshire's Kindness Challenge was created with the simple goal of spreading kindness wherever we go and to help create awareness of who we are and what Berkshire strives to do everyday- To strengthen children and families so they can live safely, independently and productively within their home communities.


The idea is simple and everyone, anywhere can take part! Take a post-it and leave a note of kindness or leave many and create a wave of kindness wherever you go.


Post a positive note on your bathroom mirror, on a co-workers computer or in your local coffee shop for someone to see.







Snap a picture of your note



Tag Berkshire's Instagram or Facebook page @Berkshirefarmcenter

 Use #BeKindBeBerkshire


Challenge/tag 3 friends to do the same

A Facebook or Instagram post may look something like this:


Leave as many #notesofkindness in as many places as you can and help us to create a #waveofkindness

fb post.JPG
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